The supplies listed here are a general list to get your student off to a good start. Different teachers sometimes require specific types of supplies for the individual classrooms. To get your student started please follow the list below.
Folder system
Students will need some type of file system to keep papers for each of their classes.
- Expandable folder with at least 7 pockets
- 7 individual two-pocket folders (like a Pee Chee folder)
Please have in a folder or a section of the expandable file a small amount of college ruled notebook paper (loose leaf) to start the school year.
- 3 spiral notebooks with college-ruled paper
- 2 composition notebooks (non-spiral)
Supply pouch or box
- Supply pouch or box Recommended
- 24 sharpened pencils - mechanical or regular wooden pencils
- One pencil sharpener with receptacle (personal size)
- Two pens – one blue or black and one red pen for correcting (no neon colors)
- Two black Sharpie type markers - 1 fine and 1 extra fine
- One highlighter (any color)
- Colored pencils – box of 12
- One roll of invisible tape (with dispenser – personal size)
- One pair of scissors
- Glue stick
- Wired Earbuds/headphones
- 1 spiral notebook (NOT Composition style - any type of paper is fine)
- Basic Calculator
For the Classroom
- Backup charging cable for school issued Chromebook
There will be times when supplies may need replenishing. We recommend checking supply status at the beginning of every term (every 10 weeks). Some students will rotate every term into new electives and those new classes may require specific supplies.